Saturday, January 15, 2005

fit in 2005 ........

We entered the challange for spring of 2005.

and had our "Before" pictures taken at the introductory weigh-in


this is going to be interesting, we've been eating healthy and began going to the gym on a regular basis before the first of the year, but still and all.........
there is a good reasson that this is a 'Challenge'

I'm one of 6 or so folks at work doing this (so there is a lot of comradery there) and we are going to going to the weekly Rah-Rah meetings for info & inspiration & additional support.

it might be a very long 3 months..................but then younger sis did this (or a version there-of) and is Still being held up as an inspiration for those trying to do the same .....and she did this over 2 years ago now

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