Sunday, May 28, 2006

dogs and haircuts

what is it about dogs & haircuts?
they will be cooler in the desert heat
they won't get as many foxtails caught in the shorter hair
they will be easier to wash
& they'll dry off faster
(thanks to that desert heat)
my furgirls hate to get trimmed
they hate baths
they love the treats they get afterward
what is it about dogs & haircuts?


  1. Oh my goodness!

    Debb, you should see our little Sheltie! I shaved her from the shoulders back just the other day.

    Now, I know this isn't the traditional doggydo for this particular breed, but it is so much cooler; and dang it all, if our little Lily Dog doesn't look like a lion!

    (I must say though, that she hated every minute those buzzing clippers buzzed! Poor beast!)

  2. Have you tried the dremel tool to cut their toenails? Works like a charm.

  3. they snap......... I let the vet be the 'bad guy' for that particular issue --- I give them the haircuts & baths & trim the fur between their toes.... that generally doesn't result in blood-shed...... just grumbles until the treats come out after....

    and our Heather would look lionish but I trim the 'mane' beacuse it's jsut way too hot down here for her to be Fur-heavy
