Sunday, May 29, 2005

cleaning out the stuff.................

cleaning out stuff is not really a chore
it is an opening up of free space

not just re-organizing, but really clearing the home spaces and mental spaces of our lives

we look at each item, try to remeber why we kept it..............
if we remember then we might pause a bit to reflect on whether or not to keep it or we might let it go with joy that it will be gone.
if we don't know why we have it, we might pause to try to rmember or (& this is the best thing) we toss it in 'giving/going away' pile with a shrug.

when all is done & the final bit is reviewed and let go or put away...........
there is a sense of accomplishment
a sense of a job well done
and more space in our heads, our rooms, our lives to build new memories

for some this means more room for more stuff...........
I've been de-cluttering, cleaning out, spring cleaning, nesting..........
what ever you wnat to call it................
for a while now.............
and with a passion since we moved to the desert

there is somthing in the austerity of the open spaces that is cleansing & I want that in my home & in my head

what I keep are things that mean something, really mean something
what I keep in my head should be good thoughts, good memories, lessons learned and hopeful dreams

the down talk is going
the hurtful memories are gone
the painful hurts have been re-aligned as lessons or let go

clearing out that kind of stuff makes me feel less frantic, more at peace & I am a better person to those in my life for doing so


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