Thursday, February 17, 2005

waking up too early..........

woke up too early
too early to call anyone
too early to do anything loud (partner still sleeping)
too early to do chores (see the sleeping partner) as they involve making noise
too early to get any pics............still dark, very dark
too early to chat one on the buddy list is online at the moment

so I blog

and according to the latest in the reports bloggers are bad for news (well at least according to some)

or was it better for the news as we work to keep them (the 'news media') more honest...........

well not all of us but there are quite a few that really get to the facts of situations and post them (with references, which are sorely lacking in the modern 'news media') online for all interested to see & read

I find the whole thing amusing & a great read.................I figure that more information is really better....the mystery explained works for me

altho of course there are mysteries that have no current good explaination, but that is a course in & of itself

and for our 'news media' there should be facts & those facts should be checked and we, the reading/viewing public, should have access to those facts.......since some of us do want to think for ourselves..............

so I'm up way too early
and in thought way too deep

time for more coffee & to see if I can make some noise today

1 comment:

  1. Next time your eyes wake up and it's still dark, have your mind tell your eyes to "go back to sleep".

    That's probably the best sleep that you can get, after you first wake up but don't have to get up yet. You can luxuriate and stretch and drift off to have another dream before the harsh realities of sunlight and morning.

    Sweet dreams.
