Wednesday, March 01, 2006


so when are we honest?
with ourselves?
with our families?
with the god who made us?
I personally have a varied
(some would say vary different)
view of god

I recognize many other god views as well...
so when do we talk to god?

when we have an issue to live for?

when we have an issue to live through?

when we have an issue to die for?
or is it when we recognize in ourselves an issue that needs addressing?
I find myself in all of the above places on most issues...
to be honest I more often ask for betterment
for myself,
for my family
for my friends
all in one breathe.
because without my family and friends I am less a person


  1. I've got to believe that God is as pleased with you as I am. I've often mentioned you to Him and thanked Him for you being the person you are.

  2. Ahhh Debb, you've touched upon an important truth!

    As I read your post, I was reminded that we need each other; and that we are all connected in significant, meaningful and mysterious ways.

    Without the relationships we have with one another, we are "less a person", for it is in loving that we are built up, strengthed, and magnified!
