Tuesday, September 20, 2005


working with a color like orange can be quite a challange
mind you I like oranges, oragne juice, squash, pumpkins, pumkin pie & other things orange
to create something with orange is turning out to be a bit harder than I expected
the beads begin to make the shape I want & like the orange carpet,
turn, twist & begin to be their own thing
not a bad thing, bit very much their own
so I put it down for a pause
we need to work together,
the beads & I,
for this to come out the way we both want
often creativity is like that
a process of give & take between the artist & the art

1 comment:

  1. I've never been in full control of my own creative process! Whether it's bearing a child, baking bread, beading, or designing a doll, each and every moment of the creative process is alive with its own possiblity.
    That's what makes the creative life so enormously challenging and delightful!
    Please post a picture of your objet d'orange when you are done, ok?
