Friday, July 22, 2005


Now I do try to keep the political commentary out of my blog..............

out of my journal................
and out of the workplace..........

But this needs to be said,
this needs to be commented on,
and the excerpt that most concerns me is this:
"...the new contract, to deliver intelligence services in Iraq through 2009..."
the article is here:

are we ever going to leave?
the government keeps saying we aren't an occupation force but contracts like this seem to indicate otherwise...................

when are we bringing our soliders home?

1 comment:

  1. Everything in me rebels against the notion that war is a human inevitability.
    Until enough of our citizenry are willing to take a stand against the sanctioned violence, deceit and greed of this current administration and congress, our mothers, fathers, sons and daughters will continue to die on foreign soil.
    Thanks for sharing this link Debb...
