Sunday, October 08, 2006

sometimes work is more than frustrating...

persons (who should know better) not following protocols
persons (who should know better) letting the afor mentioned persons doing so
persons (who should know better) not enforcing the protocols
persons (who should know better) not supporting the staff who are trying to enforce the protocols
persons (who should know better) looking only at the bottom line & not seeing that by failing to support the protocols, they are endangering both patients, cash flow and certifications
persons (who DO know better but have been over ruled by the afor mentioned persons who should know better) having to spend hours of OT/on-call time doing a procedure that endangered patient by being an uneccesary procedure (by afor mentioned protocols that were ignored)
persons (who DO know better but have been over ruled by the afor mentioned perons who should know better) having to put their personal professional certifications on the line by doing afor mentioned (non-protocol & uneccessary) procedure
persons (who DO know better but have over ruled by the afor mentioned persons who should know better) losing a wonderful day with family, friends & self
sometimes work is more than frustrating
when it just plain sucks
(because of the afor mentioned issues)

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