Saturday, October 14, 2006


I have health issues
they are a bit of a bother in my world
somedays a darn big bother
but nothing compared to what friends of mine in NOLA are going thru
so I get noodled for being a weenie about my personal issues
(had to get a handicap packard for my car this week)
and I get noodled for caring about NOLA, or the amazon, africa, or the ice caps (north & south poles)
or the assorted other bits of this,
our only
the one & only)
planet & her people
well to those who say that
"it doesn't effect our immediate lives"
I say Phooey!
to those who say we can't do anything any way
I say Phooey!
to those who say our actions don't matter in this instance of the general living of the day to day
or the
week to week
or the
month to month
I say Phooey!
we Do make a difference
we Do have an impact
we Can make a change
we Can make an improvement
we Can make it better
but not for long
we are near or at the tipping point
with each other
with this world
with our place in time
we need to act as if each moment counts for something
as if each moment is a real issue
as if each moment were our last
there is a wonderful statement that wanders the WorldWideWed space
Work like you don't need money,
Love like you've never been hurt,
& Dance like no one's watching.
help those who won't ask
I would add that
I try to do that
we are connected
we are a part of this world
this is the last dance
this is the last song
this is the last place we can ever really be.
treat our neighbors well
treat our world well
treat ourselves well

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Never forget...

so here I was blathering on about work
~altho the persons who should know better did a dis-service to patient & staff~
when here is a place to remind us of perspective
we can never forget that the levees broke more than the water barrier
it broke peoples lives & homes
it did not break many things
not the NOLA spirit & soul
not the NOLA determination to rebuild & remain
not the NOLA perserverance to endure & reclaim
but there are things that are needed
to continue
to persevere
to rebuild & repair
we can help
we should help
check out this site for places to make a real, direct & personal difference
the levees may have broken but
the NOLA people did not
the NOLA culture did not
the NOLA history did not
let's help bring NOLA back
contribute today, this week, this month
make a difference
donate today, this week, this month
generate some good karma
give something today, this week, this month
make some good mojo

sometimes work is more than frustrating...

persons (who should know better) not following protocols
persons (who should know better) letting the afor mentioned persons doing so
persons (who should know better) not enforcing the protocols
persons (who should know better) not supporting the staff who are trying to enforce the protocols
persons (who should know better) looking only at the bottom line & not seeing that by failing to support the protocols, they are endangering both patients, cash flow and certifications
persons (who DO know better but have been over ruled by the afor mentioned persons who should know better) having to spend hours of OT/on-call time doing a procedure that endangered patient by being an uneccesary procedure (by afor mentioned protocols that were ignored)
persons (who DO know better but have been over ruled by the afor mentioned perons who should know better) having to put their personal professional certifications on the line by doing afor mentioned (non-protocol & uneccessary) procedure
persons (who DO know better but have over ruled by the afor mentioned persons who should know better) losing a wonderful day with family, friends & self
sometimes work is more than frustrating
when it just plain sucks
(because of the afor mentioned issues)

Saturday, October 07, 2006

debb's Blog Should Be Purple

debb is an expressive, offbeat blogger who tends to write about anything and everything.
debb tends to set blogging trends, and she's the most likely to write her own meme or survey.
debb is a bit distant though. debb's blog is all about her - not what anyone else has to say.

Sunday, October 01, 2006


it's the simple things that can make a good day Really Good...

things like:
clean sheets on the bed
all the laundry done
a clean kitchen sink
a good night's sleep
sunshine on a cool morning
green things growing in the yard
getting the weeds out of those green things in the yard
a hug from your sweetie
fresh coffee

these simple things make a day Really Good