Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Celebrate January 20th 2009 !!!!

a free sticker to celebrate the inauguration of President Obama from ColorOfChange.org

ColorOfChange.org is giving away commemorative stickers for free. Even the shipping is free!

I just got my sticker. Click below for your free Obama sticker:


Happy Inauguration!

Friday, January 09, 2009

don't be too hard

this tarot card came up for me today...
it is a good reminder to not be too hard
on others, on ourself, on it all...
this if especially important to keep in mind as we move thru this time of the new year when we all make goals and resolutions...


This card reminds us that true justice is an act of mercy not cruelty.
Often we look at justice as "an eye for an eye" and not as an act of
Discipline is not the same as punishment.
We must learn
to become self-disciplined without punishing or berating ourselves.
Often we try to live up to concepts or ideals that are impossible to
setting ourselves up for certain failure.

When this card
comes up we are told to reflect on ways that we are unjust to ourselves.
Time to stop exacting punishment and develop acceptance
and compassion.
Negativity is a repeating cycle that had to be
recognized, understood, and then broken.

Today be mindful of the demands you place on yourself,
if you
haven't been disciplined enough lately, tighten the reigns a bit.
is a good time for clear, decisive intentions and action.
Direct your
thoughts and deeds towards healthier areas.

Sunday, January 04, 2009

sad & mostly true

ColorQuiz.comdebb took the free ColorQuiz.com personality test!

"Shelves her ambitions and forgoes her desire for p..."

Click here to read the rest of the results.

Saturday, January 03, 2009

for this year...

looks to be that this year's theme will be "organized in 2009" for me...
it's a simple resolution & long term goal