Wednesday, December 27, 2006
like a frog in a pot...
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Optimism can serve as a wonderful source of motivation and inspiration, whether we are focused on mundane goals or our most beloved dreams, because it compels us to visualize the future in a positive light.
We tend to think about all the goodness that is waiting for us rather than the potential pitfalls that can keep us from achieving our purpose.
Consequently, we spend much of our time making sure we are doing all we can to realize the beautiful future we have seen in our mind’s eye.
Your positive visions of the future will help you come closer than ever to reaching your goals today.
Sunday, December 10, 2006
where did the time go?
Saturday, November 11, 2006
a day off

Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Saturday, October 14, 2006
I have health issues
somedays a darn big bother
(had to get a handicap packard for my car this week)
and I get noodled for caring about NOLA, or the amazon, africa, or the ice caps (north & south poles)
or the assorted other bits of this,
our only
(really the one & only)
planet & her people
well to those who say that
"it doesn't effect our immediate lives"
I say Phooey!
I say Phooey!
to those who say our actions don't matter in this instance of the general living of the day to day
or the week to week
or the month to month
we Do make a difference
we Do have an impact
we Can make a change
we Can make an improvement
Love like you've never been hurt,
& Dance like no one's watching.
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Never forget...
~altho the persons who should know better did a dis-service to patient & staff~
when here is a place to remind us of perspective
we can never forget that the levees broke more than the water barrier
sometimes work is more than frustrating...
Saturday, October 07, 2006
debb's Blog Should Be Purple |
debb is an expressive, offbeat blogger who tends to write about anything and everything. debb tends to set blogging trends, and she's the most likely to write her own meme or survey. debb is a bit distant though. debb's blog is all about her - not what anyone else has to say. |
Sunday, October 01, 2006
things like:
clean sheets on the bed
all the laundry done
a clean kitchen sink
a good night's sleep
sunshine on a cool morning
green things growing in the yard
getting the weeds out of those green things in the yard
a hug from your sweetie
fresh coffee
these simple things make a day Really Good
Sunday, September 24, 2006
it is a wonderful city
I was there nearly 25 years ago when in college for a biology field trip
(yikes - am I that old already!?!?!)
and it is still a joy to visit
the people are friendly.
the MARTA is clean and easy to use.
the whole place is so very green and humid...
not swimming in air humid, but moist (to a desert dweller)
and did I mention GREEN...
I found out that my work place is nearly 15 years behind industry standard --
we have a lot of catching up to do
but it will make the job we do
time efficient
less expensive
that is the biggest thing to me
if things are easier then you get a bigger 'buy-in' from the folks that really matter:
co-workers (faster in-&-out)
management (altho they like the 'cost-less' bit)
inspectors (re: "industry standard")
it is a Win-Win-Win situation
now if only my legs would have carried me around the city a bit more
Atlanta has a world-class aquarium,
a wonderful art museum and art school,
CNN (a huge and wonderful news center),
a zoo & botanical gaarden that is amazing,
and numerous Civil War historical sites to see.
and I had no energy
no Umph
no ability to get out & about to see any of it
We have a trip scheduled to go back in the next year -
my hubby & I together
to see those sites
to be a real visitor
to visit the South
to enjoy
thank you Atlanta
& esp. the folks at Northside (you know who you are)
for making this a wonderful visit -- even if it was all work for me
Saturday, September 16, 2006
been a while...
been a bit away with health issues and home life & work
some of these are bigg-ish things and some are the routine
but all have conspired to keep me from blogging
health issue are a bit worrysome -- have a consult with a neurologist as my muscles aren't working as they should... mostly due to an autoantibody (we hope & are still waiting for other tests)
home stuff is just getting things done around the house on wonky body time (see above)
work stuff -- more of the same & I'm beginning to really find my groove there (as long as the body holds out) but folks are buying into the changes that I've made (they had to be made for inspection agencies) and it's a good place to be
the baseline is --- all is going along... some things very good & some things marginal -- much as life travels ever are
the joy of a blog is that anyting, at any time, can be commented upon or not.
also much like life
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
20 years
There are two ways to live your life.
One is as though nothing is a miracle.
The other is as though everything is a miracle.
~~~ Albert Einstein~~~
Saturday, August 26, 2006
a quote
Sunday, August 20, 2006
22,113 Total U.S. Casualties
2,602 Dead
19,511 Wounded
Sunday, August 13, 2006
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
vacations & rain
they give you time to get your head back on
rain is faling on the desert...
lots & lots of rain
the storms are amazing to watch as they roll over the land
sometimes there is a rainbow that travels with the storm
sometimes they just hang out alone on the edges
the floods are also rolling over the desert
washing out & over roads
it would be a good day to stay in & read
but work calls
so off we go
maybe on the way home I can raise my face to the rain to catch some of it's cleansing for my soul
Saturday, July 22, 2006
and my sweetie got 3 as well...
odd the things that we do in the middle of the night
sleep is evading any attempt to be caught
there is no rest for the weary...
or the wicked
or the washed-out
or the wasted
or the weird
or the wired
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
a good read...
<< & judging from the counter at the bottom of my blog there ain't that many of ya' out there... & that's ok.... keeps this personal>>
you know that I'm a bit eceletic in many things...
so bearing that in mind...
I do recommend the book
(I haven't seen the movie so can't speak to that...)
The Da Vinci Code
a good bit of history
a good bit of mystery
and a good bit of thought provoking reading....
(you know the kind ... the "I gotta' goggle that reference" or your head will rattle it around for days kind of reading)
it is interesting...
and I will NOT have any discussion about any religious issues as this is a novel, a story, one view of parts of a puzzle
I believe very firmly in puzzles
we have a brain to use
& we should
for our selves
whether it be a crossword
mah jong
or playstation....
think &
read &
realize that stories of all sorts are often shaded by bits of the truth
Monday, July 17, 2006
simple joys
to find the air and the water exhilarating;
to be refreshed by a morning walk
or an evening saunter;
to be thrilled by the stars at night;
to be elated over a bird's nest
or a wildflower in spring
- - - - -
these are some of the rewards of the simple life.
~~ John Burroughs ~~
Sunday, July 16, 2006
Saturday, July 01, 2006
the world is in a state of perpetual change.
Only God knows what you ask.
All a person can know is themself,
and only then if they are honest
and reflective
and willing to strip away self deception.
Monday, June 19, 2006
so war brings peace
Naturally the common people don't want war;
neither in Russia,
nor in England,
nor in America,
nor in Germany.
That is understood.
But after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine policy,
it is always a simple matter to drag the people along,
whether it is a democracy,
or a fascist dictatorship,
or a parliament,
or a communist dictatorship.
Voice or no voice,
the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders.
That is easy.
All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked,
denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism
exposing the country to danger.
It works the same in any country.
quote verified at
Sunday, June 11, 2006
Saturday, June 10, 2006
well I'm going to go the denial route for that at the moment
haven't had the energy to do more than walk up the stairs at work a couple of times a day
& even that is getting more & more difficult
Saturday, June 03, 2006
"Today's problems cannot be solved if we still think the way we thought when we created them."
~~ Albert Einstein ~~
Uncle Albert has it right...
we much change our way of thinking to change our situations -
be they global, local or personal.
It is not just a change in attitude that is required...
(altho postive outlook helps)...
it is a change in the way we approach situations,
a change in the way we think ourselves out of the box,
a change in the way we look for patterns around us...
this is a fundamental change in our way of thinking...
For example:
when one looks in the mirror, supportive & positive affirmations...
(& not neccessarily on appearance for many of us have issues there)
...about how we are doing in life,
with our family,
with our god/dess,
with our friends...
these start the cycle of change in our thinking
we need to approach the issues & situations from the backside
or the blind-side
or sidways
or some other way than what is expected...
we need to look thru the immediate issue to the long term results of our actions & thoughts...
& this is hard for so many of us ...
to think past instant gratification
& see the bigger picture...
we are challenged to do this more than is obvious
so today, when I look in the mirror, rather than the usual concerns about the size of my waist, or condition of my pores or hair or or or
I will thank my creator for putting me in such a wonderful world
Monday, May 29, 2006
You Are Guinness |
You know beer well, and you'll only drink the best beers in the world. Watered down beers disgust you, as do the people who drink them. When you drink, you tend to become a bit of a know it all - especially about subjects you don't know well. But your friends tolerate your drunken ways, because you introduce them to the best beers around. |
Sunday, May 28, 2006
dogs and haircuts
Saturday, May 20, 2006
Every step may be fruitful.
Yet there will stretch out before you an ever-lengthening,
ever-improving path.
You know you will never get to the end of the journey.
But this, so far from discouraging,
only adds to the joy and glory of the climb."
Sir Winston Churchill (1874 - 1965)
Thursday, May 18, 2006
real life
one woman decided not to buy a single article of clothing for a year, which is oddly inspiring to me.
one woman decided to matching her values with her time as a daily practice.
these are simple things to work on, commitment is all that is required
(& maybe a two good pairs of shoes at the start of the year so you don't have to buy any during the next 365 days)
when I got my new position in September, it very quickly became an all consuming issue...
my life, house, health and realtionships began to get short-shrift.
my commitment is to balance work with life stuff better.
to that end I am taking vacation in July and August
I am doing a little bit of yoga every morning
I am doing a daily meditation, even if just for ten minutes
& I am spending more time around the house, with my sweetie, making our home a refuge, a safe comfortable place to be in together.
what can you do to create the life ofyour dreams?
Thursday, May 11, 2006
~~~Piet Hein~~~
Sunday, May 07, 2006
got a nudge
her blog is at
< >
so here is why I have been absent from the blog-o-sphere
I'm flat outa' gasph
I'm ka'poot
I'm pooped out
I'm run into the ground
I have nothing left
There is nothing of me left
no thing of me
I hate to feel like I'm whining (& I might be)
but I'm tired & hurting
(got meds refilled finally --- they ran out wednesday afternoon & I thought I'd see how I did without them -- hate taking pain meds if not needed --
--however I found out that I am Not superwoman -- I need this help)
Since September 2005, I have been re-building a department & getting ready for an AABB/CAP & FDA inspection...
the AABB/CAP came the end of April, they inspected & left
Since then I have had way too many (including weekends) of HPC collection ...
(we are still waiting for the FDA & we are overdue for them to be here for the un-announced annual visit)
& altho I did really well at my section of the inspection -- my co-hort said that I b*llsh**ted the inspector --
I resent that since having been married to a lawyer for this many years,
I know to not answer any question except for the one specifically asked: Do you know the time? and the Correct answer is "Yes" or "No" (depending on whether you have a clock/watch near by) and no more no less......
I have been working 10 to 12 to 14 hour days for 3 weeks and I don't know what is wrong with me (esp. physically as all the labs are normal) but I hurt, I'm tired all the time and I have no tolerance for any thing that I used to let roll of my back -- now I blame my contacts on being irritated for the drippy bits that happen in the face of exteme nasty.
I an proud of what I have done for my job here & feel very strongly for the patients that come thru the HPC program.
I have little support from most of those that make the desicisions for continueing to do a good job (or so it seems on a day to day basis)
I have been hiding when I should have been sharing with you, my few dear blog reading friends, becasuse I don't feel that this is even worth mentioning...
I gave up my vacation with my dad while he was here from out of town, because being responsible, is what both he & my mom ( un-be-know to each other) taught me... Do the right thing
these past few weeks have been bad... in many ways ... and yet I did fine, the patient did fine... but I'm outa' gasph ...
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
to angry for words
click on the link to read the most unbelievable story...
totally surreal
totally true
this should not be happening
write letters to congress
write letters to the white house
write letters to the papers
demand that the persons of the USA be treated with more respect
this did not happen with Andrew to Florida
this did not happen in CA with the north bend quake
this did not happen in WA with Mt St Helen's
this is unacceptable
to angry for words
click on the link to read the most unbelievable story...
totally surreal
totally true
this should not be happening
write letters to congress
write letters to the white house
write letters to the papers
demand that the persons of the USA be treated with more respect
this did not happen with Andrew to Florida
this did not happen in CA with the north bend quake
this did not happen in WA with Mt St Helen's
this is unacceptable
to angry for words
totally surreal
totally true
this should not be happening
write letters to congress
write letters to the white house
write letters to the papers
demand that the persons of the USA be treated with more respect
this did not happen with Andrew to Florida
this did not happen in CA with the north bend quake
this did not happen in WA with Mt St Helen's
this is unacceptable
Monday, April 17, 2006
this is a good thought
Any kind of expectation creates a problem.
We should accept, but not expect.
Whatever comes, accept it.
Whatever goes, accept it.
The immediate benefit is that your mind is always peaceful.
~~~Sri Swami Satchidananda~~~
Monday, April 10, 2006
Friday, March 31, 2006
New Orleans, down & in
Sunday, March 26, 2006
ads or statements?
builds to make the world a brighter, better place