Thursday, April 28, 2005

it's the little things..............

.............that mean the most

and in the memories I have of my just passed friend, it's precisely those little pieces of her, tiny flashes of what she did, what she enjoyed and who she was, that bring on the tears

"The place where she sat at the dining table was just as it was when I was there last, piles of beads and mail and grocery receipts ... the microscope slides we had worked on ... except that there was a clean towel spread out and a small pile of seed bead soup on it ... larger beads in a bowl next to it. She really did get a lot of comfort from the bead soup."
~~~from an email by a bbuzzard friend about our lost sister~~~~

Monday, April 25, 2005

In reality, life is perverse and human beings don't get what they deserve.*

so unfair...............................

today was one of those horrible days

one of my dearest friends died today..... unexpectedly.... abruptly....

she was ill

altho she wouldn't let her family or friends know just how bad she felt.....
it was always,
for her,
others first............ so we didn't know

she beat her cancer ..................
only to be hurt deep inside by the treatments she'd recieved for it.......
then stress from the loss of her husband, she looked at finishing raising her boys all alone............

and being all alone for the first time in her life.....................

she was strong tho.................. she was planning her life for herself

she was re-meeting the people in her life that had been important (family & friends from far away times & places)
and she was meeting new folks.....making new friends with interests that she shared & hadn't been able to indulge

she will be greatly missed
she was greatly loved

we bead this frog for you dear friend

go in peace
go with god

*quoted from>

the real night light

well................the blog-o-sphere ate my 1st try at this post..............................

2nd try

the moon was shining brightly thru my window last night
all night
very bright
of course the sunrise was obscured by clouds (raining somewhere in the valley it appeared)
and the lunar eclipse was not to be seen the previous night...................... (& nutz to that as I really did want to see the earth's shadow pass over the moon)

but last night...............ever so bright was the moonlight...............all night

and being bracketed by the solar eclipse & then lunar eclipse.............well those 2 weeks were a bit wonky

productive (we got the guest room painted and the house is staying clean, ready for company) but wonky none the less...........................with IRS taxes (we owed) and an FDA inspection at work (we passed) and the weeds cut down in the backyard (at least for as far as the cord would run for the weed-eater)

so we are ready for tourist least in my little corner of the world

and the night light is the best when it's the moonlight

Sunday, April 24, 2005

bunny fights & thunderstorms

what an odd day yesterday was...................

bunny fighting in the backyard.................they would stare at each other then kick up some dust & then charge each other................KA-POW they'd bump each other's chest.....................then back off & start the whole thing all over.........the dogs just watched from the porch................curious but not enough to get between warring bunnies

then thunderstorms last night..............didn't get to see the lunar eclipse for the rain..................and lightning with full on thunder....................THAT the dogs did try to challenge with barks & charges................all night long

won't get involved in bunny turf wars but will tilt with the thunder

go figure
or nap and not worry about it ...................
yes that's my plan
a nap to make up for the fierce thunder fighting that kept me up all night long

just so I don't dream of being a bunny in a fight

Sunday, April 17, 2005

basking in the sunshine Posted by Hello


.............springtime for really & truly

with rainstorms, and REAL rainstoms not just rain turning to snow showers

with thunderstorms, great booming lightning laced & hail beaded thunderstorms

with warmth in the sushine, bright warm glorious toe-tanning sunshine

and the birds are nesting or preparing to with lots of love songs and territory songs in the monrings and evening

and the lizards are back out basking and watching for the bugs

and the butterflies are wending thier way thru the flowers that are blooming

and yes some are weedy flowers altho most are wild or garden flowers growing where they should be

it is spring time for revival, renewal and cleaning of yards, houses and minds

Thursday, April 14, 2005

what a good idea

Dive deeply into the miracle of life and let the tips of your wings be burnt by the flame, let your feet be lacerated by the thorns, let your heart be stirred by human emotion, and let your soul be lifted beyond the earth.
Pir Vilayat Inayat KhanCall of the Dervish

when we find ourselves pausing in our lives,
for any reason,
rembering to dive in (let go & freefall as a good friend of mine says) is liberating.

we are released from the confines of our minds (those internal voices that deride us for past misses, percieved failures & beat us up in self-doubt) are silenced.

it might be for just a moment but it is time enough to stretch our wings & fly.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005


not fair
not fair
not fair
FDA inspection & IRS wants the taxe$$ both in the same week
not fair
not fair
not fair

Sunday, April 10, 2005

can we go in where it's warm? Posted by Hello

april fools

it's snowing

in the middle of april, we have a winter storm advisory for travel.

it was almost 70 degrees F yesterday wind big wind, all blustery and blowy.

a good day for a fire, nog & hanging out with loved ones where it's warm and cozy

Saturday, April 09, 2005

solar light

the solar eclispe was yesterday afternoon

the power of the sun & moon on our systems as biological beings was shown full on

the gravity pulls the tides (water being the principle)
as it also pulls us (we be greater than 90% water)

the energies of the day changed as we got clooser to then into & then out of the eclipse

sun & moon traveling across the same line of sight to our section of the world

just a bite was all the moon took this time but it was more than enough

to recharge us
to move us
to remind us of the world beyond our planet

here's to traveling in peace thru our world

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

good day

there are days that are made to be your very best just by being with your furkids (or kids of any sort really

here's to more days that are wonderful because of the people (and creatures) in our world

Sunday, April 03, 2005

quote de jour

"If you can see your path laid out in front of you step by step, you know it's not your path.
Your own path you make with every step you take.
That's why it's your path."

--Joseph Campbell

so very true
& so very hard to put your feet where they should go,
to make your own path,
rather than following where others have trod down the grass already.

walk well today so that your memory is all your own

writer's block

what is the fastest way to create writer's block?

for me it is to be told that I should be writing..............sheesh, a comment made as a compliment and the words in my head go hide

so today it's music, lots & lots of music
and photos, lots of phots

going to be making more photo stories

Hope to find my voice in those picture with music instead of on the page or paper