Thursday, January 26, 2006


birthdays are a very interesting celebration...
we celebrate living thru another year.
we celebrate the passage of time.
we celebrate time spent with family & friends.
we re-connect with folks,
quite often people we only ever heard from on this day, our birthday.
birthdays are always good days.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

home & sick

with a fever
had it yesterday & had to 'work thru'
was moving slowly
brain moving even slower...
today I'm hotter, slower & still sick
I do not like this one little bit

Sunday, January 15, 2006

50 things

a friend at work is doing a "50 things" list and challenged me to do the same
it is a list of the 50 things that you'd like to do this year...

or in your lifetime (for the BIG items like travel to Tibet for a sabbatical)

I really have no idea, as yet, to what those 50 things would encompass...

somehow this makes me feel like an incomplete person,
unfinished, almost a work in progress...

I'll be thinking 'bout this in the coming months and adding to the list over time

being an unfinished bit of a work in progress isn't an uncomfortable thing to be...

it's just where I am right now


Friday, January 13, 2006


Serve life first,
in everything you think and say and do.

Neale Donald Walsch
Tomorrow's God

we often think of service as a duty
a chore,
an obligation

a way in which we are forced to do what 'others' want
a way of constriction
a way of limits

but to serve is really to give of ourselves
with faith
with action
with clear heart

we can find our center and peace in service
service to our family
service to ourselves
service to the greater good of the world around us

and in doing so,
in finding that center
that peace
we can find our soul

Tuesday, January 10, 2006


a step towards the middle of the week
a day of pause
mondays can be so hectic, getting sorted & back to work
tuesdays are a pause
a pause before the push to a weekend
a push to get done with working
so that time off can be enjoyed at a more calming pace
the second day of the regular working week
today is a good day to begin
to play
to pause
today is a good day

Saturday, January 07, 2006


why am I afraid to create?
why am I afraid to be 'out-there'?
why do I let fear hold me back?

perhaps because being out-there means I have to share
I have to let the world in
I have to really be in the world
I have to let go

fear can hold one back from so many things...

It's time to be out there, for me anyway...
one of my resolutions is to create art everyday...
be it a beady bit, a poem or just a blog of thoughts for the day...

it's time for me to get into the world...
to share...
to experience...
to not be afraid.

here's hoping it works

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

word play

when I want to write the words fight
to come out of my head
then they see the keys
& flee
they see the paper
& scatter
they see the screen
& scream
into hiding
my words are trying to be free

even bad poetry is good if it gets the words out and down
the pratice of writing is as important as the words and word order itself
writing down what's tossing around inside, jotting of thoughts, catching a fleeting glimpse of the mind in private action & putting it to paper or screen is an act of creativity that brings more & more to the forefront of the conscience for consideration, enumeration & commintment
for when our words are put down, put out there, shared, then the true soul of ourselves can begin to see that it's safe, it's ok, it's good even, to be there.
& when our words are safe out there, so are we.

so write a bit
think a lot
share often